Do home remedies work?

Peppermint has been used for hundreds of years as a health remedy. Peppermint oil could help with irritable bowel syndrome, a long-term condition that can cause cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation, and can also be good for headaches. More studies are needed to see how much it helps and why. People also use the leaf for other conditions, but there is very little evidence that it helps with any of them.

No more: “Not tonight, dear. It turns out that sex can help relieve pain when you have certain types of headaches, especially migraines. It has also been shown to improve heart health, relieve stress, and increase mental alertness. Some studies show that people who eat more garlic are less likely to develop certain types of cancer (garlic supplements don't seem to have the same effect).

It can also lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels in the blood, but it doesn't seem to help much. I wish that being a doctor meant that my family and I would never get sick. Unfortunately, viruses, bacteria, and other sources of disease don't discriminate based on profession. This is what's in my toolkit to keep us going through illness and health.

The reason herbal remedies work is that they have medicinal properties, but these medicinal properties may interact with some of your other health conditions and may interact with other medications you're taking. Given the wide variety of home remedies we're going to talk about today, whether it's for the common cold, for a skin condition, for aches and pains, for anything that's mild, you might want to consider something at home. So before we get into specific remedies, can you explain to us when a home remedy might be a good idea and at what point you should talk to your doctor before doing so? Remember that some home remedies may help relieve symptoms in the short term, but they will not treat an underlying disease. Finally, although experts agree that many home remedies are valuable, they warn that there are times when they should not replace conventional care.

So it's really hard to say because there are so many different variations of home remedies for a lot of different things that we've seen or talked about in the course of this podcast, but new pains or worsening symptoms always mean you should see a doctor. According to the Mayo Clinic Home Remedies Book, a cup of hot tea or warm lemon water sweetened with two teaspoons of honey can relieve a persistent cough. So, are these home remedies likely to actually treat symptoms or conditions, or is it rather a placebo effect? And if it's a placebo effect, is that a good idea? Consult your doctor before adding herbal remedies if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking prescription medications. So, when it comes to digestion, is there a home remedy you can tell us about? I know we always hear about lemon water in the morning to help with digestion.

The healthcare teams at CureJoy, an online health and wellness advice platform that uses advice based on natural and proven alternative medicine disciplines, gave their twenty remedies you can do at home to stay healthy.

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